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Welcome to St.Martha Bethany Vidyalaya

The late Archbishop, Servant of God Mar Ivanios OIC was born on September 21, 1882 at Mavelikkara. Born in the famous ‘Mallitta’ Panicker family belonging to the Malankara Syrian Orthodox church, he assumed the baptismal name Geevarghese. Young Geevarghese, a brilliant student in his early school days, at the age of 15 received minor orders and was sent to Madras Christian College for higher studies. There he obtained his Master’s Degree. On 15th September 1908 Geevarghese was ordained a priest by His Grace Vattasseril Mar Dionysius. Just after ordination, Fr. P.T. Geevarghese was appointed principal of M. D. Seminary, Kottayam. Later the young principal moved to Calcutta accepting an invitation to teach in the Serampore College. During his stay at Calcutta, Fr. P.T. Geevarghese concentrated his attention on the foundation of a monastic community as an instrument of spiritual renewal within the Syrian Orthodox Church. In his attempt, he was very well inspired by the Christian and Hindu monastic traditions. After making the necessary arrangements to begin such a form of life, he resigned his professorship at Serampore and started the community on 15th August 1919 at Mundanmala, Ranni in Kerala, to which he gave the name Bethany Ashram...


One of the most important decisions that any family takes is the school they choose for their children’s education. Our philosophy of education has always helped in meeting the needs of the students. Set up in 2015 we have journeyed through all these years and gained the appreciation of our students and parents alike. We try to encourage our students to unleash their fullest potential.

We at SMBV strive to equip the students with 21st century skills and the aptitude required for academic excellence as well as to face the challenges of life in a harmonious way.

Keeping the national and global content in mind we at SMBV strive to march towards excellence and open new vistas in the area of education. In this pursuit of excellence, I appreciate our parent fraternity for supporting the school in every aspect. The relentless efforts of our teachers for bringing out the best in each child is worth mentioning. The committed and supportive management has always taken keen interest in providing qualitative infrastructure, encouragement in growing and marching ahead in all avenues of the school’s functioning. All these along with the undaunted support of the non-teaching staff blend harmoniously in creating a child centric school.

We hope to challenge and channel students to set high expectations for them and support them to achieve at the highest level. I look forward to all of the great things that happen this year. Let’s have a great year together.